Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Yes, some days it is still unbelievable that my husband and I are going to have a little girl. I can see my belly growing and she is kicking with full force now, so I feel her almost every day...but is still takes me by surprise every now and then. Today I looked at the calendar and realized that I am due to deliver in less than 100 days. Are we ready? Am I ready? Some days I have my doubts....will I know what to do when she is crying? When should I begin feeding her solid foods? What do I do if she is sick? What daycare should I enroll her in? She I even enroll her in daycare or stay at home with her? Will I be a good mom? Should I nurse or use formula? Will she like the name we pick for her? And this is just the start of all the questions running through my head.

But then I feel her kick and I start to daydream about taking her to the park and going for runs with her (when she is old enough of course). I imagine her big smile and her laughter and her hugs and kisses. I imagine her running to the door when her daddy comes home. I imagine us going shopping together and picking out her favorite things to wear and then on the way home stopping at Starbucks, where I get her a hot chocolate and myself a latte. I imagine her sleeping soundly in her crib, so small, so innocent, so precious. If I let myself slip into these daydreams and push all the questions to the side, I am filled with peace and content and I think to myself...YES, we can do this and our little girl will be just fine!

Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly - you are going to be a great mom! A little girl... how exciting! She'll probably come out running :)
